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  • Writer's pictureHawthorn East Dental

Increase Your Confidence Through Cosmetic Dentistry Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry veneers are wafer thin, custom made the hard protective outer cases of colored teeth materials shaped to cover the front surface of teeth to increase your appearance. These cases are bonded to the front-teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length. Dental veneers are individually designed for each patient, it is impossible to tell the difference between a veneer and a natural tooth.

If your teeth are crooked, no problems with your bite, it's possible that you can get porcelain veneers. Your dentist determines if porcelain veneers will serve well for you. In more patients, it is ideal to choose and align teeth before implants or veneers are installed. There are generally two types of veneers:

Composite veneers

Composite veneers are made right on the premises by the doctor and applied directly to the teeth. A single appointment is enough to complete the procedure.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers used the same purpose as composite veneers. However, they are manufactured in a laboratory. Porcelain veneers are small as false nails in that they are made to measure and cemented onto the tooth. The procedure needs two appointments: one to prepare the tooth and take the image that will serve to make the veneer in the laboratory; and a second for cement the veneer surface of the tooth.

Advantages of cosmetic dentistry Veneers

  • A most attractive smile while preserving healthy teeth.

  • A great uniform smile in terms of tooth color and shape.

  • Composite veneers inexpensive than porcelain and easy to repair if required.

  • Porcelain veneers maintain the brightness, lightly translucent appearance of natural teeth.

  • Porcelain veneer is durable than composite and don't change color over time.

Placing of Veneers

Depending on the patient's sensitivity, local anesthesia can be used if needed otherwise not required. The doctor will clean the tooth and determine the correct color for the veneer.

Remove a small amount of the enamel of the tooth to provide room to place the veneer on the tooth. Image of the tooth will be made sent to laboratory and a temporary veneer will place on the tooth with spot etching in the center of the tooth away from the margins.

After collected the veneer from the lab, the temporary veneer is removed, the tooth is cleaned with pumice and water. The veneer is then etched, rinsed thoroughly with water and air dried. The adhesive cement place on the preparation and the veneer place for perfect fit and contour. The veneer cure for seconds on all surfaces of it to attach it to the structure.

Remove excess material and slightly polish the margins of the veneer. Dentists will advise the patient to a follow-up visit to check for comfort and advise the food habits and brushing to follow for long-lasting veneer.

Hawthorn East Dental strive to achieve the best results for your aspiration through a dedicated approach. While offering prowess in dentistry, create a customized treatment with digital cosmetic dentistry veneers to get a good prediction of the results. A specialist team of cosmetic dentistry focuses their efforts to bring about the positive change in your attitude by enhancing the beauty of your smile. They offer the best possible results through supreme techniques and smart deployment of the newest technologies at affordable prices

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