During the London Olympics, A survey threw up interesting results. The top athletes are very unhappy with their own oral health. Even their performance on the field was affected slowed down considerably. Aspiring sportsmen should learn a lesson from this revelatory data. They should get online and find more about Cosmetic Dentistry near Me.
Boxers, hockey players, and sprinting stars have a huge following. Fans would be surely be disappointed to know about their dental problems. But facts are facts, and poor oral hygiene is one of the main reasons. These top athletes had the following dental issues -
1. Tooth decay or dental caries.
2. Irreversible dentine problems.
3. Early gum disease or periodontitis.
4. Soft tissue infections in the mouth.
This clearly shows dental checkups have a major role in sports health. The players not only suffer, but also perform poorly on the field. In addition, Their self esteem also takes a beating due to cosmetic issues. Winners love to display white, sparkling smiles to the spectators and photographers. But, Discoloured and malformed teeth prevent them.

So What Should Be Done?
The surveyed professional athletes clearly neglected oral hygiene. They did not even go for regular dental check up for up to a year. Young athletes should not make this mistake. They may not become Gold Medal winners overnight. But finding more about Cosmetic Dentistry Near Me is a very good start.
Let us look at some of the benefits of periodic checkups at the dentist's clinic -
1. Teeth exam is performed irrespective of the patient's problem. The doctor looks inside the mouth to identify diseases and disorders.
2. Even if there is no serious problem, The athlete still benefits. His or her teeth are whitened, cleaned, and flossed for fresh mouth odour.
3. Injuries are very common if you are a boxer or sprinter. Falls and facial punches may require teeth replacement.
4. Broken, chipped or short teeth problems are also identified. The patient receives general or cosmetic treatment.
5. Athletes with winning smiles can become stars and celebrities. The best veneers, implants, and aligners improve their facial aesthetics.
6. Sportspersons train hard and endure pain and injuries. But neglect leads to infections and fever during important events.
7. Amateurs become professionals and enter the elite leagues. Their healthy teeth and happy smiles can popularise the sport.

Youthful Smiles
Young boys and girls idolize their favourite sport stars. Some of them get serious and start training sessions. These youthful athletes should also take care of their dental hygiene. They should learn more about sports medicine, and ask about Cosmetic Dentistry Near Me. They may be healthy, but they too need white teeth, and happy, bright smiles.
Doctors suggest transparent trays to correct teeth shape. Modern dental treatments like Invisalign offer many advantages for young people-
● Metal braces are not suitable for fresh athletes.
● The dentist will give them a suitable mouth guard.
● Teens can wear the invisible Invisalign aligners too.
● The plastic device straightens their malformed teeth.
● Enamel damage is prevented by transparent braces.
● It is painless and the child develops good oral habits.
● The teeth will move softly and in an even manner.
● The child becomes confident and plays effortlessly.
You don't have to be an star player to visit a cosmetic dentist. Get in touch with Hawthorn East Dental today! Our friendly staff will say more about dental implants and veneers. Or make an online appointment for teeth whitening of check up.